I know it feels like something that gets said every year, but let’s be honest…

2020 was tough but NOTHING compared to 2021!!!

Covid, lockdowns, restrictions, teaching full time with a mask and constant sanitizing (well for me anyway), looting, load shedding and most recently water restrictions…

It’s quite something when you think about it!

BUT we have, somehow, made it through…

We are resilient and for that I want all of you to give yourself a pat on the back! Seriously, stop what you are doing and do it now!

Okay so now that you have congratulated yourselves on making it through the year, I’ll get back to where I was going with this…

Now, I’m a foodie (We all know this)…A fitness foodie actually…Hence why I have my social media platforms and my blog and website LOL…

At the same time though, I’m human. Think of an author having writers block…For the past few months, I have had cooking block (Yes, I just made that term up)…I found the quote below and it summed up my current feelings perfectly!

BUT…Even though the above quote is pretty self explanatory, I will try my best to adequately explain what I can by ‘cooking block?’

I WANT to create healthy meals for my family and meals to share with all of you BUT I just don’t have the energy to come up with any, nor does the thought of spending hours in the kitchen really appeal to me. 

Perhaps it’s burn out? Perhaps the year has finally caught up with me? I truly hope that others resonate with this too (Please let me know if you do)

With food delivery apps so readily available, it’s so tempting to just order something BUT not only will that mean that you have NO control over what gets put into your body, it also adds up…A LOT!!!

It was music to my ears when I heard of the collab between these two incredible brands…


AND… (drum roll please)


This awesome collaboration between Knorr and McCain means that we are able to make healthy and nutritious meals in MINUTES!

So, I jumped at the opportunity to give it a bash and you know what, I cannot express in words how thrilled I am that I did!

I have been able to create meals (which last a few days as it’s only Shel and I at home) that are delicious, easy to make and are just the right balance of protein, carbs and fats…

The recipe cards that are available from Knorr and McCain are easy to follow and I love that I can pop to the shops and get everything I need from one store. The ingredients are also super simple! 

Often healthy meals require trips to special health shops and when you are mentally and physically exhausted, no one has the time or energy for that…

With Knorr and McCain’s ‘Meals made easy’ you can get everything from your favourite grocery shop and you’ll soon be able to find recipe cards in stores as well!

There are also a TON of recipes available online on…You have to check this website out!

Something I’ve already picked out to make the family for the festive season

Like I mentioned in the caption above, I spent about 15 minutes online picking the recipes I wanted to make this festive season, and I am confident that all my meals will be crowd pleasers…In fact- The recipes are basically fool proof so I KNOW, without a shadow, of a doubt that they will be!

It’s the strangest thing as well, I feel my spark coming back…

My zest for being in the kitchen, cooking up a storm is returning…YAY!!!

I feel like the ‘old Jo’ who can’t wait to treat her loved ones by filling their bellies LOL…

I think it may just need to be my little secret that I managed to get my groove back by getting a little help from Knorr and McCain (But I am all about sharing products and brands I love which is why I am going to be fully transparent with all of you)

So…The big question remains…

Who of you are planning to give some of these recipes a bash…

I promise, you WON’T look back!!! The website is SO user friendly so if you don’t find a recipe card in store, just know that with a few clicks here and there, and a minimal amount of easy to access ingredients, you WILL be sorted to feed the masses 😉

AND they will be coming back for seconds!!! For that I am so sure 🙂

Follow the link below…It will be the best thing you do today ““““`
Knorr and McCain, you are incredible! Thank you for allowing us to stress less and spend more time with our loved ones this Festive season
Click the link attached to have you kind blown away!!!

If you have ANY questions, pop them in the comments section of my last insta post…

All my love (and peanut butter)

Jo xxx


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