“An example of how I’m training at home”

I have decided to spend a little more effort on my website because well, why else do I have one? A few months ago, before Covid took the world by storm, I shared what my training routine looked like…

Fast forward a few months- Gyms are closed, equipment is scarce, we have to wear a mask in order to be outside our homes and it’s really tough to stay motivated when you can’t train with all your mates…These are really crazy times, isn’t is…

I woke up on Monday and decided that ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH!!!

I needed a plan to follow…One that I could follow at home, with one pair on dumbells and that would hopefully get me back into the groove…

SO, I decided to share this super simple program with all of you because…Sharing is caring, isn’t it?!

Anyway, the workout is below…HOWEVER…If you would like this plan emailed to you…Then please comment on my post on Instgaram…Until then, enjoy lovelies!

ENJOY šŸ™‚ And if you decide to do one these workouts, please let me know and tag me in it šŸ™‚ I am really trying to venture out of the world of only sharing food and recipes so your love and support seriously means the WORLD!!!

All my love (and peanuut butter)

Jo xxx



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